Saturday, February 22, 2014

Homemade Sunbutter Cups

I have discovered a new guilty pleasure- sunbutter cups. I found them at Wholefoods in the Candy aisle and have been obsessed ever since. The combination of the salty sunbutter with the rich dark chocolate is totally sinful and wonderful. Sunbutter has become the new hot "nut butter" but it's actually made from a seed not a nut! You can find sunbutter at the grocery store in case you don't feel up to making your own, but I'm telling you it's SUPER easy.

I'm really excited that my sunbutter came out so successful, because I want to try making more nut butters at home. I think I am going to try almond butter next, so stay tuned! 

*Note this recipe makes more sunbutter than you will need for the sunbutter cups. You can store the sunbutter in an airtight container at room temperature and use it for whatever you want. Try it on an english muffin with a sliced banana for breakfast or even in a smoothie!

These sunbutter cups have literally 5 ingredients and are SO easy to make. They make for the perfect little treat, and because sunflower seeds have so many health benefits, you don't even need to feel guilty indulging in them!

The sunflower seeds in my sunbutter are a superfood because of their high Vitamin E content. Vitamin E is known to have anti-inflammatory effects reducing symptoms of asthma and arthritis. Sunflower seeds also contain magnesium which can help reduce migraine headaches and lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. Lastly, sunflower seeds have high levels of selenium. Studies have shown an inverse relationship between selenium intake and cancer risk.  

1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
2 cups raw unsalted shelled sunflower seeds
1 tbsp. olive oil
3/4 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. honey

1) Roast sunflower seeds in dry skillet over medium heat until golden (Make sure you don't burn them!)
2) Blend sunflower seeds and sea salt in food processor for 6-7 minutes or until paste starts to form
3) When paste-like consistency is reached, slowly drizzle in olive oil and honey. *Note- it is essential not to add the oil until the seeds break down and start to develop into a paste. If you add the olive oil too early you will not be happy with the consistency.*
4) Mix for about another minute
5)Line mini-muffin tray with liners
6) Microwave 1/2 cup chocolate for 30 seconds. Stop and stir, and microwave for an additional 30 seconds.
7) Using a half teaspoon, pour chocolate evenly into liners. (This recipe makes 12 sunbutter cups)
8) Bang muffin tray on the counter to get rid of air bubbles
9) Put the tray in the freezer for 15 minutes
10) When first chocolate layer is hardened, add 1/2 tsp of sunbutter to the top of each cup
11) Put tray in freezer for 15 more minutes
12) Melt the remaining chocolate chips and add to the top of the cups spreading to make a nice even layer.
13) Freeze for a last time for 15 minutes
14) Remove from freezer and sit at room temperature for 5 minutes before enjoying!

*You can store these in the refrigerator for up to a couple of weeks!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Creamy Butternut Squash Soup

This is like the 8th snowstorm of the season in New England and I am so over it. I am counting down the days until Spring when it's enjoyable to be outside again! I realize that the Spring is still quite a few weeks away so I'm making do with this winter by eating lots and lots of comforting hot soup!

This was my first time ever making butternut squash soup and I was pretty pleased with the results. I decided to blend in a can of cannelini beans for some extra fiber and protein and to give the soup a creamier texture and it works really well. In fact, the soup is SO creamy that you would never know there wasn't actual cream in it!

I think the key to creating delicious soup is roasting the veggies before pureeing them. They get golden and slightly caramelized in the oven which makes them ooze with delicious flavor. 

I topped my soup with chopped up parsley, grated pecorino romano and a dollop of part-skim sour cream. I would recommend all of those toppings but definitely feel free to swap out some of your own. 

Butternut squash is my superfood of the week. It contains potassium which is essential for bone health, and is packed with antioxidants that allow the body to fight off free radicals. The beautiful bright orange color in this vegetable signifies that it has carotenoids which are known to protect against heart disease. 

5-6 cups cubed butternut squash (About a half a squash cubed into 1/2 inch pieces)
1 yellow onion- diced
3 cloves garlic- grated or minced
1 can cannellini beans- rinsed and drained
2-3 cups chicken broth or vegetable broth
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. butter
*Optional toppings- parsley, pecorino romano/parmesan cheese, sour cream

1) Preheat oven to 425 degrees
2) Line baking sheet with foil. Place cubed butternut squash on tray with 1 tbsp. olive oil and salt and pepper
3) Roast in the oven for 20 minutes
4) While squash is roasting, melt butter and other tbsp of olive oil over medium low heat
5) Add onion and cook for 15 minutes or until caramelized. 
6) Add garlic and beans and cook for 2 more minutes
7) Add onion/garlic/bean mixture to blender and puree until smooth and add it back to the pot
8) When squash is tender add it to the blender in batches with the broth. (I would do a cup of squash at a time to 1/2 cup of broth)
9) Add squash mixture to the pot with the onion/garlic/bean mixture
10) Add salt/pepper to taste and simmer soup on low for 10 minutes
11) Add toppings of your choosing and enjoy!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Blackberry Peanut Butter "Oatie"

I have been on a total "smoothie-kick" lately. It is so easy to make a delicious smoothie with practically anything you have on hand. I've been experimenting by using different kinds of fruit, different kinds of milk, and different kinds of nut butters. I've also been making a conscious effort to only use natural sweeteners like honey, agave, and fruit. For some added fiber and nutrition, I also decided to add some old fashioned oats.

When I was in college there was an awesome cereal and yogurt shop that specialized in "oaties." Oaties were just a cute name for milkshakes or smoothies packed with delicious oats. I decided to re-invent this yummy treat, and I couldn't be happier with the results.

The superfood I'm focusing on today is raw cacao powder. You can see this featured below. I ordered mine from, but they sell it at Whole Foods and many Homegoods and Tjmaxx stores as well. 

Raw cacao powder is the purest form of the cacao bean. It's milled at low temperatures to protect its nutrients and flavor and is not processed in any way. Raw cacao is packed with antioxidants which promote blood circulation and can help lower your risk of many diseases. 

The best part of this recipe is how versatile it is. Don't be afraid to change things up- you won't ruin it, I promise! Be creative and have fun!

1 banana- frozen and chopped
3/4 cup blackberries
1 tbsp peanut butter
2 tbsp raw cacao powder 
1/8 cup old fashioned oats
1 cup vanilla almond milk
1 pitted date 
4-6 ice cubes

1) Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth!