Sunday, March 30, 2014

Homemade Roasted Cashew Butter

If you follow my blog, you know about my deep love for peanut butter. You probably also know about my recent experiment with sunbutter (sunflower seed butter) which turned out amazing. Today, I decided to play around with a new butter- cashew butter.  I've seen cashew butter in the grocery store before but it's always so expensive and contains more ingredients than I deem to be acceptable in a "natural" nut butter. 

I chose to experiment with cashew butter because I absolutely love the taste of cashews. I am really excited to say that the recipe was a huge success and turned out perfectly creamy and flavorful. The key to its "deliciousness" is the flavor you get from roasting the nuts. I bought raw unsalted whole cashews at Whole Foods and roasted them myself. The grocery store will probably carry roasted and salted cashews, but I strongly recommend roasting the raw nuts yourself to get the most flavor into your cashew butter.

This recipe makes a ton of cashew butter- probably about 20 servings worth. I'd suggest putting it in a tupperware and storing it at room temperature until it's gone (which may not be very long since it's so yummy!)

You can use the cashew butter just like you'd use peanut butter or almond butter. It's delicious when spread on toast or crackers, you can put it on an apple or banana, or even try it swirled around in plain Greek yogurt for a protein-packed breakfast. Whatever you do with it, I know you are going to love it. :)

Cashews are a superfood because they provide heart-healthy monosaturated and polysaturated fat which are known to help lower bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Cashews also contains flavanoids which are said to lower the risk of many cancers. Additionally, cashews contain high amounts of copper which help provide the body with energy and help aid in flexibility in joints and muscles. 

3 cups raw unsalted cashews
1/2 tsp. sea salt

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2) Place cashews on foil-lined baking sheet
3) Roast nuts in oven for 12 minutes (stirring around halfway)
4) Place roasted cashews in food processor and add sea salt
5) Pulse a couple of times until cashews are crumbly
6) Process cashews for 10 minutes stopping after every couple  of minutes to scrape the sides of the bowl
**You may be tempted to add oil or water to the mixture because it looks very dry initially. DON'T DO IT! The mixture will get thick and creamy and will eventually turn into cashew butter, I promise! Just be patient and you'll see. **

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Penne with Sautéed Shrimp and Avocado Pesto

I cannot tell you how excited I am about this blog post. The idea for avocado pesto actually came from my husband! I'm not sure if he saw a recipe somewhere or just thought of it himself but one day he told me I should make it for my blog. I thought this was a perfect idea because I've been wanting to use avocados as my superfood and I happen to be obsessed with pesto.

Typically in pesto, you mix some sort of green- like spinach, arugula, basil, or cilantro with a nut, citrus, cheese and some oil. Because avocados are full of heart-healthy fats, I figured I could probably omit the oil all together and make the dish incredibly healthy. Well...I was right! The pesto was creamy and flavorful and makes me not want to make an avocado-less pesto ever again!

I wanted to make this recipe into a full meal which is where the penne and shrimp come in, but you could really use the pesto on anything! To give you some ideas- you could use it on grilled chicken, any kind of fish, over grilled or roasted veggies, on potatoes or rice, or even on a sandwich! This recipe made A LOT so we wound up freezing 2/3 of it for another time. 

There are more health benefits of avocados than I could possibly mention. Here are just a few of this superfood's amazing qualities: avocados are packed with Vitamin B6 and Folic Acid which can help lower the risk of heart disease. Avocados are also full of flavanoids which help reduce the body of inflammation and certain diseases. This superfood is exceptionally good for your skin, as it can help reduce redness and irritation and also prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging.  Additionally, avocados contain certain acids which are said to reduce the risk of a few kinds of cancers. 

2 avocados
2 limes- juiced and zested
1- lemon juiced
2 cloves garlic- grated or minced
1/2 cup slivered almonds
2 cups arugula
2 cups basil
1/2 cup grated parmesan or pecorino romano
1/2 lb. whole grain penne
10 shrimp peeled and deveined 

1) Cut avocado and scoop flesh into a food processor
2)Add lime juice, lime zest, lemon juice, garlic, almonds, arugula, and basil to the food processor
3) Pulse food processor a few times and then blend for a minute or until pesto is thick and creamy
4) Scoop pesto into bowl and add in grated cheese
5) Cook pasta to al dente and drain
6) Add shrimp to a hot skillet with olive oil. Add salt/pepper to taste and saute until pink and cooked through
7) Add pesto to pasta and mix thoroughly until noodles are coated in the deliciousness. Add shrimp and top with additional grated cheese, if desired.
*The pesto makes about 6 servings

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Quadruple Coconut Oatmeal

I feel like coconut is one of those things that you either love or hate. I personally adore it and always have since I was a kid. I love it in sweet dishes (especially chocolate) and in savory dishes like fish or chicken. I've been reading a bunch of coconut oatmeal recipes and decided it was time I try out a recipe for myself.

I call this quadruple coconut oatmeal because this recipe incorporates shredded coconut, coconut milk, coconut sugar, and coconut oil. I realize that the majority of people don't have coconut sugar in their pantry like I do, so feel free to substitute brown sugar or granulated sugar. Additionally, if you don't have coconut oil you can substitute olive oil when you toast the oats. 

I have shared with you a slow cooker oatmeal recipe before- in fact I believe this was my very first posting! I thought I would show you how easy it is to swap in a few different ingredients to create an entirely different tasting oatmeall. I hope you have fun with this recipe!

My superfood of the week is flax seed. Flax seeds contain omega 3 fatty acids which are said to help lower blood pressure and keep your heart healthy. Additionally, flax seeds contain lignans which have been said to reduce the risk of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. If these benefits aren't enough for you, flax seeds happen to be an excellent source of fiber and protein which will keep you feeling full and satisfied.

1 tbsp. coconut oil
2 cups steel cut oats
4 cups coconut milk
4 cups water
3 tbsp. coconut sugar
1 tbsp. cinnamon
3 tbsp. flax seeds
3 tbsp. shredded unsweetened coconut
1/2 tsp. sea salt

1) Melt coconut oil over medium high heat
2) Add oats and cook for a few minutes or until they smell nutty and fragrant
3) Add oats to crock pot (I lined mine with a non-stick slow cooker bag)
4) Add the rest of the ingredients the slow cooker
5) Cook on low for 4 hours
6) Add additional milk if necessary  
7) Top with bananas, walnuts, or whatever you'd like! 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Vegetarian Cannellini Bean Soup

It's March 2 and with this bitter cold and snowy weather looming, it does not seem promising that spring is right around the corner. I've been trying to cook more soups and stews to try to keep myself warm in this relentless winter. This particular soup is so easy to make, and it's the perfect portable lunch to take to work. It's super hearty with the cannellini beans but it's light enough that you won't feel weighted down the rest of the day.

You'll see in the recipe that I used gluten free pasta. I personally feel like the gluten free pasta makes me feel less sluggish and provides more nutrients than typical semolina flour pasta. If you're wondering if you can use whole grain or whole wheat instead- you absolutely can but it's going to make the soup a little bit heavier and more starchy. 

Similar to many of my other recipes, this soup is so wonderful because it is extremely versatile. Feel free to add different veggies, use a different kind of bean, or perhaps try experimenting with a different starch like quinoa or rice. 

My superfood of week is the cannelini beans. Cannelini beans provide a ton of fiber and protein and are very low on the glycemic index scale. This means that they metabolize slowly, thus providing steady energy for hours. Additionally, these beans contain the element Molybdenum which is said to have detoxifying effects on the body.

1 onion diced
2 ribs celery- diced
2 carrots- peeled and diced
1. tbsp Italian seasoning
1 tsp. oregano
1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 can rinsed and drained cannellini beans
1 cup frozen corn- thawed
4 cups chicken or vegetable stock (low sodium)
4 cups water
8 oz. pasta (I used gluten free penne)
olive oil
additional salt/pepper- to taste

1) Heat olive oil in dutch oven over medium high heat for a 5 minutes
2) Add onion, celery and carrots and saute for 10 minutes or until tender
3) Add cannelini beans, corn, Italian seasoning, oregano, red pepper flakes, salt and pepper, and cook for 2 minutes
4) Add stock and water and bring to a boil
5) Simmer on low for 15 minutes
6) Add pasta and cook 2 minutes shy of al dente (If you are planning on eating the soup in one sitting then cook the pasta all the way to al dente. If you are doing what I do and reheating it all week make sure you cook it a few minutes shy.)
7) Taste and add additional salt/pepper if needed
*This makes about 5 servings