Monday, August 11, 2014

Mint and Watermelon Feta Salad

My inspiration for this post came from the huge mint plant that my father-in-law gave us a few weeks ago. I've been experimenting with new recipes involving the mint, and have obviously been making a TON of mojitos. ;) Today, I decided I would make a mint and watermelon salad because it sounded so refreshing on this hot and humid day.

Because it's almost halfway through the month of August already (sigh), I have been eating all of the delicious summer fruits like it's my job: strawberries, blueberries, plums, peaches, mango, name it!

I have always loved watermelon since I was a kid. In fact, this delicious fruit reminds me of summer camp when I would have a slice on a hot day and get the sticky pink juice all over my clothes. Yum!

This watermelon salad is extremely delicious and so easy to prepare. It's got a little bit of that salty/sweet thing going on with the sweet watermelon and the salty feta cheese. It's also got a little bit of crunch thanks to the cucumbers and great texture from the tomatoes. All in all, I must say, this is the perfect salad. Whip up a batch to bring to your next barbecue, make a big bowl for lunch this week, or serve it as a side dish to whatever you're cooking for dinner. 

Because watermelon is made up of 92% water, it helps to regulate the digestive system and keeps the body hydrated. Watermelon also contains the amino acid, circulline, which can help you exercise more intensely and prevent sore muscles after a workout. Watermelon is also great for your skin and hair as it provides Vitamin A which helps lock in moisture. 

1/4 watermelon cubed
1/2 block feta cubed (about 4 oz.)
1/4 cup chopped mint leaves
1/2 English cucumber sliced
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes sliced in half
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. balsamic glaze
1/4 tsp. sea salt

1) Combine all ingredients  (watermelon through cherry tomatoes) in serving dish
2) Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic glaze
3) Sprinkle top with sea salt
4) Enjoy!
*Makes about 4 servings

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