Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sweet Potato Lasagna

I love the kind of meals where the leftovers taste just as good as the dish the night it was cooked. Well, lasagna is the perfect meal from which to achieve these perfect leftovers. Recently, I've been experimenting with different kinds of Lasagnas to try to make them healthier and more nutritious than the regular Italian version.

My mom became gluten-free a year and a half ago, and she came up with the idea of using corn tortillas instead of noodles. I love making Mexican Lasagna this way. Check out my recipe for that here.

I decided I wanted a carb-free layer in addition to the corn tortillas this time, and thought thin slices of zucchini would be perfect. After you thinly slice the zucchini, lay it on a paper towel and sprinkle it with salt to make sure you get out most of the liquid. Zucchini contains a lot of water so if you skip this step, your lasagna might be a little soggy. 

The sauce for this lasagna is by far the best part of the whole dish. It's made by roasting sweet potatoes and pureeing them with milk and chicken stock. The result is a velvet-y smooth sauce that accompanies the ground turkey and onion mixture PERFECTLY.

Sweet potatoes contain beta carotene which is an antioxidant that gives the potatoes their bright orange color. Beta-Carotene is said to prevent many different types of cancer. Sweet potatoes also contain Vitamin A which helps promote healthy eyesight as well as healthy skin and hair. Lastly, sweet potatoes are e a great source of potassium which helps lower blood pressure.

2 sweet potatoes diced 
8 corn tortillas
1 onion- diced
3 cloves garlic- grated
1 lb. ground turkey
1.5 cups chicken stock
1 cup milk
2 zucchinis- thinly sliced, salted and patted dry. (read above directions)
1 cup part-skim ricotta
1 egg
2 cups spinach
1 cup shredded mozzarella
1 tbsp. olive oil
salt/pepper to taste
1/8 tsp. red pepper flakes

1) Preheat oven to 425 degrees
2) Peel and dice the sweet potatoes and roast them for 25-35 minutes or until tender
3) Reduce oven temperature to 375 degrees. 
4) Add sweet potatoes to a food processor with salt/pepper, chicken stock and milk and puree until a silky smooth sauce appears. (Add more liquid if necessary)
5) Meanwhile, heat olive oil over medium high heat
6) Add onion and cook for 15-20 minutes or until caramelized 
7) Add ground turkey and heat until totally cooked through
8) Add garlic to turkey mixture with the red pepper flakes and more salt/pepper to taste. Mix around and taste for seasoning. Add more spices, if necessary.
9) Mix ricotta in a small bowl with the egg until completely incorporated
10) Spray a 9x13 pan with non-stick cooking spray
11) Pour 1/4 cup cold water on the bottom of the pan so the tortillas do not burn
12) To start building your lasagna, add corn tortillas to the bottom, top with half of the turkey mixture, and 1/3 of the sweet potato puree. Place zucchini strips on top and then add the ricotta mixture. Top ricotta mixture with the raw spinach leaves. Add the rest of the turkey mixture and more of the sweet potato purees. Line the top with the 4 remaining corn tortillas and pour the remainder of the sweet potato puree on top. 
12) Cover the lasagna with foil and cook for 30 minutes
13) Remove from oven and top with grated mozzarella cheese. Cook for additional 10 minutes uncovered.
14) Remove from oven and let sit for 20 minutes prior to eating so the lasagna stays together when you cut into it.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

My 1 Year Blogiversary!

It's hard to believe that it was was ONE year ago that I started the Superfoods Girl Blog! I started the blog with the goal of motivating people to eat healthier and incorporate heart-healthy superfoods into their every day diets. I truly believe I've been successful in this goal, and I look forward to sharing even more recipes with you.

You will notice the my blog got a face-lift. I owe that all to my extremely talented friend, Julia who spent time revamping my site and making it fancy. :)

To celebrate this Blogiversary, I have decided to post my top 5 favorite recipes of the year. If you haven't made these, I encourage you to give them all a try!

Recipe #5: Slow Cooker Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
This is the most delicious and satisfying breakfast in the cooler months--especially in apple-picking season!

Need a sweet and healthy treat to satisfy your chocolate cravings? Look no further! Make these easy and scrumptious chocolate peanut butter banana bites.

Recipe #3: Protein Power Balls
These superfood-loaded treats are the perfect on-the-go snack to make you feel energized and ready to take on the day!

Obsessed with avocados like I am? Stop making the traditional olive oil-loaded pesto and use avocados instead! FAVORITE recipe this year... Recipe #1: Eggplant "Meat" Balls
This is my mom's famous recipe, and it is definitely a winner! Try introducing "Meatless Mondays" at your house. I guarantee you- nobody will miss the meat!

Thank you all for your support and for contuing to read my blog each week. Going into year #2, I feel more inspired than ever to create and share more delicious recipes with you!
~xoxo Emily

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Fiesta Quinoa Avocado Salad

Every Sunday morning, my ritual is as follows: I drink my coffee, watch Food Network, and browse Pinterest to see what new and exciting lunch recipes were posted. 

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I get bored with food VERY quickly. I know there are some people (cough, my husband) who can eat the same thing for lunch every day and never get tired of it. Well, my friend, I am in no way like that. 

I like to think of lunch as my reward for getting through the morning at work. Therefore, I want this "reward" to be utterly delicious and refreshing to my palate! 

There are 4 qualities that are very important to me when it comes to lunches. I want:

  • A dish that's easy to make
  • A dish that doesn't require 800 ingredients 
  • A dish that's healthy and hearty (has enough protein to keep me full)
  • A dish that doesn't smell (like fish or curry- let's be honest, we hate the people who bring smelly lunches into work)

This dish was inspired by a Barefoot Contessa recipe that I saw on Food Network this morning. She made a delicious-looking corn and avocado salad that almost made me start drooling. I decided to sort of recreate this with my own flare. I used black beans and quinoa in my salad to amp up the protein and fiber to really keep me satisfied throughout the day. I also added cumin and paprika to give it a little zesty edge. 

In addition to being great for lunch, this salad is also the perfect dish to bring to a party or BBQ because it really adheres to most dietary restrictions: The salad is gluten free, dairy free, nut-free, and vegan! Could you ask for more?!

I used cilantro in this recipe, which I know a lot of people dislike. Feel free to sub this out with parsley or any other herb you love. I also found the most beautiful cherry tomatoes that I thought would be perfect for this salad, but you can use any kind of tomato you want. Lastly, I used black beans, but I think kidney beans or cannelini beans would also also work very well. Mix it up and have fun with this recipe!

My superfood of the week is quinoa which I've featured before in my Quinoa Fried "Rice." To get the health benefits of quinoa check out that recipe: Quinoa Fried "Rice"

2 cups cherry tomatoes
1 cup dried quinoa
1 large english cucumber-sliced
1 can black beans- rinsed
1/2 cup cilantro-chopped
2 cups corn (I used frozen and thawed it prior to adding)
1 avocado- diced
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/8 cup olive oil
2 limes- juiced
1/2 tsp sugar
1 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. paprika

1) Cook quinoa to package instructions and let cool
2) Combine tomatoes, cucumber, beans, corn, cilantro, and avocado in large bowl
3) Mix vinegar, olive oil, lime juice, sugar, sea salt, pepper, cumin and paprika in a small bowl with a wire whisk. Add dressing to the veggie mixture
4) Add cooled quinoa to mixture and stir to combine
5) Taste for seasoning and add more salt/pepper if necessary
6) Refrigerate at least 2 hours before eating to allow flavors to marry