Sunday, December 13, 2015

Mason Jar Salad with Butternut Squash, Beets and Farro

I have recently become obsessed with making my lunches in mason jars. It's so convenient to have these little jars ready for me on the weekday mornings to take to work. The jars are also pretty and appealing and make me excited to eat my lunch. 

I've been experimenting with all different kinds of mason jar lunches- both hot and cold. In this particular recipe, I decided to do a cold salad with butternut squash as the star ingredient. I roasted it and combined it with farro, beets, crunchy walnuts, apples and Parmesan cheese. I decided an apple cider vinaigrette would work well for the dressing since there are apples in the salad and it came out absolutely perfect. 

Similar to my other recipes, this one is extremely versatile. Feel free to swap out different greens, different nuts, different cheese- whatever makes you happy. This is a feel good salad and you should adjust the ingredients until you make it just right for yourself!

My superfood of the week is butternut squash which I have featured in another recipe. Click here. to learn more about its nutritional value.

1 lb. cubed butternut squash
4 small cooked beets- diced
1 apple- sliced
1 cup cooked farro
1 cup spinach
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
1/2 cup walnuts
Ingredients for dressing:
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
1/2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
salt/pepper to taste

1) Cook farro according to package instructions.
2) Prepare vinaigrette by combining olive oil, vinegar and salt/pepper.
2) Layer the salad in this order in 4 mason jars: salad dressing, apple slices, beets, butternut squash, farro, walnuts, Parmesan cheese, and spinach.
3) When ready to eat, turn the jar upside down for a few minutes to allow dressing to coat the entire salad.
4) Eat and enjoy!!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Israeli Couscous with Zesty Greek Vinaigrette

I've recently become obsessed with making side dishes that combine veggies and grains together. I love the concept of making one dish that can serve as the starch and the vegetable to my dinner. My friend had been talking to me about Israeli couscous for a little while now and was actually kind enough to buy me a box from Trader Joe's. She told me she loves combining spinach, olives and feta in it to make a Greek inspired dish. I decided to use this idea as inspiration to create my own version. 

I added cherry tomatoes because they looked so pretty at the grocery store. I also used arugula instead of spinach because I thought the lemony pepper bite it has would go perfectly with the other ingredients. I then made a vinaigrette with olive oil, lemon juice, oregano and red pepper flakes to give the couscous a zing. It came out super flavorful and delicious and was seriously the easiest thing ever. 

Arugula is my superfood this week and if you're curious about its health benefits check out my recipe for Arugula Salad with Pears, Beets, and Candied Almonds


8 oz. Israeli Couscous
1 cup cherry tomatoes- sliced
3/4 cup feta- cubed
1/2 cup black olives- sliced
4 cups arugula
1/2 lemon- juiced 
2 tbsp. olive oil
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp. oregano 
1/8 tsp. black pepper
1/8 tsp. red pepper flakes


1) Cook couscous according to package instructions.
2) Make vinaigrette buy whisking 1 tbsp. olive oil, lemon juice, and spices together in a small bowl.
3) Heat 1 tbsp. olive oil over medium high heat in a large pan.
4) Add arugula and let wilt for a minute.
5) Add cherry tomatoes and black olives and cook for a minute or until warmed through.
6) Turn off the heat and add the couscous, feta, and vinaigrette. 
7) Stir to combine and enjoy!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Hawaii-Inspired Acai Bowl

My husband had to travel to Hawaii for work the other week, so I decided to tag along. I spent the week exploring the city of Waikiki, sunbathing, and discovering delicious food and drinks. One of the best things I ate was a Hawaiian acai bowl. It's pretty much a big bowl of smoothie topped with honey, granola, and fruit. YUM YUM.

I learned about the acai berry and all of its nutritional value a few years ago on pinterest. Unfortunately we cannot find fresh acai back here on the east coast, however, Whole Foods sells it frozen in individual packs which is PERFECT for making these bowls.

You simply blend a packet of the frozen acai with a frozen banana and a little almond milk and you have your base. You can then top it with whatever you'd like! We topped ours with Kind honey granola, a drizzle of clover honey, sliced banana, coconut flakes and a dollop of natural peanut butter. Some other suggestions I have are berries, chia seeds, hemp seeds, cacao nibs, almond butter, and slivered almonds.

Acai has high levels of antioxidants which are said to eliminate free radicals which are responsible for causing diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Acai can help prevent blood clots which can lead to stroke and heart attacks due to the large amount of plant sterols they contain. Acai also contains high levels of vitamin C which can help prevent many illnesses and keep the immune system in good health.

1 pack of frozen acai
1 frozen banana
1 cup almond milk (unsweetened0
1 handful of ice cubes

Ingredients for toppers
chia seeds
sliced banana
spoonful of peanut butter 

1) Blend acai, banana, almond butter and ice cubes until thick and creamy.
2) Pour into a bowl and top with desired toppings.
*Makes 1 serving

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Dark Chocolate Almond Bark with Sea Salt

Happy Sunday everyone! I am not excited about going into work tomorrow, so I decided to make a delicious treat to make the week a little sweeter. I've recently been obsessed with Trader Joe's Chocolate Almond Bark. I discovered it a few weeks ago and it has been my guilty pleasure ever since. There's just something about that salty and sweet thing that makes my taste buds so happy.

I've made chocolate bark before- a peppermint  version for the holidays, so I had a good idea how to recreate the almond version. This is seriously the easiest recipe ever, and it's so freakin delicious. It's also really pretty so you could definitely bring it to a dinner party or gathering and everyone would think you were SO fancy. :)

In my mind, this is the healthiest dessert ever- dark chocolate and almonds- what could be better? Almonds are said to be the healthiest nut you can eat. They are jam packed with protein and fiber which can help lower blood pressure and maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Almonds provide a good source of Vitamin E which is said to reduce the risk of developing heart disease and Alzheimer's. This "supernut" also contains antioxidants which are known to prevent many forms of cancer.

1 bag of  at least 60% cacao chocolate chips (I use Ghiradelli)

3/4 cup raw almonds- chopped
1/4 tsp. sea salt

1) Line a 9x13 baking dish with foil and spray with non-stick cooking spray.
2) Melt chocolate chips in the microwave for 90 seconds- stirring halfway in between.
3) Pour chocolate in baking dish and top with sea salt and chopped almonds.
4) Refrigerate for 30 minutes or until completely hardened.
5) Break bark apart with hands or cut into pieces with a sharp knife.
*I like to store mine in the refrigerator, but you can store at room temperature as well in a sealed container for up to 2 weeks.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Mediterranean Pasta with Eggplant and Cherry Tomatoes

I am SO excited about this recipe. It combines all of my favorite foods into one tangy and delicious pasta dish. I am also so excited about this recipe because the eggplant and cherry tomatoes were freshly picked from a farm by yours truly! My husband and I went apple picking recently, and it just so happened it was a farm where we could pick our own vegetables. 

We found the most unbelievably delicious cherry tomatoes and beautiful Japanese eggplant. As soon as we picked these I knew instantly I had to make a farm fresh pasta out of them. 

We topped our pasta with jumbo shrimp from Whole Foods but you could use any protein you want: chicken, pork, scallops- you name it. You can also eat it without an added protein and you'll be plenty satisfied!

I talk about how I love to cook with local ingredients and this meal really proves that. I would encourage you all to find fresh produce at your local farmer's market and design meals around that instead of the other way around.

Tomatoes are my superfood of the week. Tomatoes contain lycopene which is said to prevent many types of cancers and promote good skin health. They are also a good source of calcium and Vitamin K which help maintain strong and healthy bones. Lastly, tomatoes are a heart healthy food due to their high levels of Vitamin B. Vitamin B helps reduce bad cholesterol and lower blood pressure.

1 large (or 3 small) eggplants- diced
2 cloves of garlic- minced
1 tbsp. butter
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 cup cherry tomatoes- sliced
1/2 cup feta- cubed
1/4 cup pitted olives
salt/pepper to taste
1 lb. whole wheat bow ties

1) Cook pasta just shy of al dente. 
2) In a large pan heat olive oil and butter over medium high heat.  Add garlic and cook for 1 minute or until fragrant. 
3) Add eggplant to garlic and oil and cook for 3-5 minutes or until tender. Add salt/pepper to taste. 
4) Turn heat to low an add cook pasta, tomatoes, feta, and olives. Cook for 1-2 minutes or until everything is heated through.
5) Add additional salt/pepper to taste. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Roasted Beets with Eggplant, Tomatoes, Feta and Balsamic Glaze

Can you say FARM FRESH?! Every vegetable in this salad is made with delicious local produce. It is still that time of year where you can find tons of locally grown fruits and veggies at the farmer's market. Make sure you take advantage of this while you still can!

In my farm share, I received yellow beets and Chinese eggplant. To be honest with you, at first I was a bit intimidated by the eggplant as it looked like a small purple snake. I decided to pan fry it in a little olive oil and it tastes just like the eggplant I know and love!

Beets can be a bit daunting to cook, but I've found the easiest way to make them is to roast them. You just drizzle a little olive oil on them and wrap them up in aluminum foil. Then you place them in a pan in the oven at 425 degrees for 40-45 minutes. When you take them out the skin slides right off and they are perfectly tender. 

Another component of this dish is balsamic glaze. I used to use store bought balsamic glaze until I realized it had some weird ingredients in it and added sugar. I then discovered I could make my own balsamic glaze at home with no extra ingredients. You just put pure balsamic vinegar in a pot on the stove and bring it to a boil. Once it's bubbling you turn it down to low and let it simmer until it's reduced to half. (Should take 15-20 minutes.) 

There are SO many superfoods in this recipe- the eggplant, the tomatoes, the beets. Here are a couple previous recipes if you want to find out any of the health benefits of these wonderful veggies.  Eggplant "Meat' BallsSuper Protein Salad.


2 Chinese eggplants or 1/2 of a regular eggplant- diced
2 tomatoes- diced
4 beets- roasted and diced (use the above directions)
1/2 cup feta- cubed
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar (Make the glaze according to the above directions)
3 tbsp olive oil
salt/pepper to taste

1) Preheat oven to 425 degrees and roast the beets as directed.
2) Meanwhile, dice or slice the eggplant and pan fry in a skillet with olive oil over medium high heat. Add salt/pepper to taste.
3) To prepare the dish, add diced beets, eggplant, diced tomatoes, and feta to a serving dish.
4) Drizzle on the balsamic glaze and olive oil. Add salt/pepper to taste

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Raw Peach Chia Jam

What to do when you get 15 peaches from your farm share and your husband HATES peaches? You make peach chia jam, of course!

I have to say, this came out surprisingly good! Regular jam is loaded with sugar and typically has gelatin. This jam has just 2 simple ingredients- peaches and chia seeds. It's pure, healthy and delicious. 

If you like your jam sweet you could probably add a touch of honey or maple syrup. I prefer a little tartness to my jam so this was perfect for me.

Try spreading this on toast, crackers, mixing it in yogurt or in oatmeal. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how delicious it is! 

Peaches are packed with antioxidants which are known to prevent against many types of cancer. Peaches contain Vitamin A which is known to promote eye and skin health, and Vitamin C which can help ward off illness and strengthen the immune system. Eating a peach may also aid with weight loss as it's a very low calorie fruit and contains a good amount of fiber to keep you feeling full and satisfied.

3 peaches- sliced
1/8 cup chia seeds

1) Add peach slices and chia seeds to a food processor and blend until smooth.
2) Add mixture to a container and allow it to set in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours, but preferably overnight.

*Recipe makes a decent amount of jam that will probably only last for a couple of days in the fridge. I would recommend freezing some if and defrosting whenever you want a healthy and sweet treat. :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Shrimp Piccata with "Zoodles"

I am completely obsessed with my new spiralizer. You can make use it to spiralize SO many things: zucchini, squash, cucumber, beets, carrots, apples, sweet potatoes... to name a few. 

At first I was skeptical when I kept seeing recipes with "zoodles." I absolutely LOVE pasta and the thought of a zucchini acting like a noodle just seemed outrageous. Even though the zucchini does not taste at all like pasta, it really it delicious when spiralized. What makes it such a great vegetable to use is that it really holds its shape well. The sauce also clings to each "zoodle" perfectly. 

I found these beautiful shrimp at the grocery store and knew I had to make shrimp piccata. It's such an easy dish to prepare and only requires a handful of ingredients. The best part about this dish is the easy lemon caper sauce that gets drizzled over the entire thing. Yum yum.

Zucchini provides high doses of Vitamin C which help to protect the immune system and ward off illness. Zucchini contains potassium which promotes good heart health and helps keep blood pressure stable. Lastly, zucchini is very low in calories but high in fiber which can help aid with weight loss.


2 zucchinis- spiralized
8 large shrimp- peeled and deveined
1 cup cherry tomatoes- sliced
2 cloves garlic- minced
2 tbsp. butter
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 lemon- juiced & zested
2 tbsp. capers
1/4 cup grated parmesan
1 tbsp. chopped basil
salt/pepper to taste

1) Add butter and olive oil to a large pan over medium high heat.
2) When butter is melted and the pan is hot, add the garlic.
3) Cook 1-2 minutes or until fragrant
4) Add shrimp to the pan and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cook 1-2 minutes then flip to the other side.
5) Sprinkle the other side with salt and pepper and cook another minute.
6) Remove shrimp from pan and add the tomatoes.
7) Cook for about 2-3 minutes or until warm. 
8) Add the zucchini and cook for another 1-2 minutes.
9) Remove from heat.
10) Add lemon zest, lemon juice, and capers to a small bowl and whisk to combine. Add salt/pepper if desired.
11) Add shrimp back to the pan and pour caper/lemon mixture over the zoodles and shrimp. Toss evenly.
12) Plate the dish and sprinkle each plate with parm and basil. 
*This makes 2-3 servings

Friday, July 17, 2015

Asian Grilled Turkey Burgers

I am so excited about this turkey burger recipe! It combines all of my favorite ingredients- ginger, garlic, cilantro, and soy sauce into one delicious patty. I love dinners in the summer that don't require heating up your house with the oven. If you don't want to use your grill, you can easily cook these in a skillet or grill pan on the stove over medium-high heat for 5 or so minutes a side.

We had these burgers in lettuce wraps topped with spicy mayo, extra cilantro, chives, sliced tomato, and avocado and they were superb. They didn't quite stay in the lettuce wrap so it was a bit messy, but nonetheless still delish. If you prefer to use a bun, they would be equally as yummy!

Ginger is the superfood I'd like to tell you about in this recipe. Ginger is known to reduce inflammation in the body which is especially useful for treating headaches and arthritis. Ginger is said to be highly effective in preventing or treating motion sickness and nausea. The main component in ginger is Gingerol which may inhibit the growth of colorectal and ovarian cancer cells.

Ingredients for burgers:
1-1.25 pounds 93% lean ground turkey
1 tbsp. light mayo
1 tbsp. grated ginger
2 garlic cloves- grated
1 tsp. sriracha or sambal oelek hot sauce
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
1 tbsp. chopped chives
1.5 tbsp. soy sauce
1 tbsp. sesame oil

Ingredients for spicy mayo
1/4 cup light mayo
1 tbsp. sriracha or sambal oelek

Optional ingredients:
Diced Avocado
Sliced Tomato
Chopped Chives
Butter lettuce or Romaine (for lettuce wraps)
Buns (if you're having it on a bun)

1) Combine all burger ingredients and form into 6 patties.
2) Cook on the grill for about 5 minutes a side or until patties are cooked through.
3) While patties are cooking, prepare your spicy mayo and any toppings you might be having.
4) Build your burger anyway you like and enjoy!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Fish Tacos with Mango Slaw and Avocado Cilantro Yogurt

I'm really sorry, but I have to start this blog with tooting my own horn! This seriously might be one of the most delicious things I have ever made. It combines all of my favorite ingredients into one flavorful and simple meal that's absolutely perfect for a summer night.

This is the season to use lots of brightly colored fruits and vegetables in your cooking. The red cabbage combined with the bright yellow mango and the green avocado yogurt is just so appetizing to look at. Make this for a dinner party or a night when you have your friends over and I guarantee they will be impressed and delighted. 

Not only is this meal beautiful and scrumptious, it is also SO easy. You can even prepare the slaw and avocado yogurt ahead of time to make your life even easier!

I used Haddock in this recipe because that's what I got from my CSA, but you can use any mild flaky white fish.  This recipe contains a lot of cilantro which I realize is something not everybody loves as much as I do. If you're not a cilantro fan- do not fret... simply just omit it and use a different herb such as parsley. 

The superfood I would like to tell you about is cabbage. Cabbage is packed with antioxidants which are said to promote brain health and help prevent against many diseases such as cancer. Cabbage contains Vitamin K which can help prevent Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia. Lastly, cabbage is loaded with fiber which helps with digestion and can even aid in weight loss.

1 pound white flaky fish such as haddock or cod
1/2 avocado- diced
cilantro for topping
6-10 corn tortillas 

Ingredients for taco seasoning:
1 tsp. chili powder
1 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper

Ingredients for Mango Slaw
1 10. oz bag red cabbage
1 mango (ripe but not overly ripe)- diced
1/2 cup chopped cilantro
1 lime zested and juiced
1 tbsp. olive oil
salt/pepper to taste

Ingredients for Avocado Yogurt:
1/2 avocado- diced
1/2 cup non-fat Greek yogurt
1 lime- juiced
3/4 cup cilantro- chopped
salt/pepper- to taste

1) Combine all slaw ingredients into a big bowl. Add salt/pepper to taste and let slaw marinate in the refrigerator for about an hour. 
2) Make avocado yogurt by adding all ingredients into a food processor or blender and combining until smooth. Add salt/pepper to taste. 
3) Make your taco seasoning and sprinkle it all over both sides of the fish- pressing with your fingers.
4) Heat a pan with some olive oil over medium high heat.
5) Add the fish and cook for about 3 minutes. When the fish is cooked on one side, flip it over and begin to break it apart into small pieces. Continue to cook until fish is completely cooked through.
6) Microwave corn tortillas for 15-25 seconds or until slightly warm.
7) To assemble your taco: Add fish to corn tortilla, top with slaw, avocado yogurt and sprinkle with extra cilantro and a couple pieces of the diced avocado.
*This recipe makes 3-4 servings depending on your hunger level!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Easy Steamed Haddock with Sautéed Escarole and Kale

It's finally summer time and I am happy for so many reasons: It's beautiful outside, the days are longer, there's so much to do on the weekends, AND my farm share started! Along with the plethora of fresh produce I receive all week, I also get wild caught New England fish. This week the fish was Haddock which is a basic white flaky fish, similar to cod.

I love cooking fish, but my typical go-to way of cooking it is to bake it in the oven. I don't know about you, but when it's hot outside, the last thing I want to do is heat up my entire house from having the oven on a high temperature. I was telling my mom about this and she suggested I try steaming it on top of the fresh veggies I got, and WOW did it come out delicious. 

I'm really excited about this new way of cooking fish and I think you are going to love it. It's extremely forgiving too, so there's not a lot of room for error. The greens I received from my farm share this week were escarole and kale, so that's what I used. I think this is an awesome combination, but feel free to use any dark greens you like!

Kale is the superfood I want to tell you about this week because it is truly one of the healthiest foods in the world. Kale is packed with antioxidants which are said to help prevent many forms of cancer. It contains Vitamin K which is said to help prevent against chronic inflammation and many illnesses such as heart disease and osteoporosis. Lastly, kale can also help you lose weight! It's very low in calories but it's so densely packed with fiber that it makes you feel full and satisfied and aids in digestion.

3/4 pound of haddock or any other mild white fish
1.5 pounds dark leafy greens (I used half escarole and half kale)
1/2 cup sliced cherry tomatoes
2 cloves minced garlic
1/8 cup grated Parmesan
1/8 cup chopped basil
1 tbsp. olive oil
salt/pepper to taste

1) Heat 1/2 tbsp. olive oil on medium- high heat in a large skillet.
2) Add garlic and saute for 1 minute or until fragrant.
3) Add greens and cook until wilted.
4) While greens wilt, brush fish with olive oil on both sides and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
5) Turn heat to low and place fish on top of the greens.
6) Cover the pan and steam fish for 5 minutes.
7) Lift the lid and add the cherry tomatoes, basil, and Parmesan
8) Immediately remove from the heat and serve.
*Makes 2 servings

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Superfood Cobb Salad

I love salads with lots of "stuff" in them. In the warm months, I like to make salads for dinner as a light and refreshing meal that doesn't involve the oven. I've always loved Cobb salads because they're usually packed with so much stuff including blue cheese which is my favoriteeeee. 

Cobb salads are typically served with ranch dressing which is usually loaded with fat and weird preservatives. I decided to make my own ranch dressing by using mostly Greek yogurt instead of pure mayo. Even though my version doesn't taste like the typical ranch, it still tastes pretty darn good. 

This salad is bursting with superfoods- eggs, avocado, cucumber- YOU NAME IT. If you want the superfood facts of these just click on any of the above and it will take you to past recipes. 

Ingredients for salad:
8 cups spring mix
1/2 English cucumber- sliced
1/4 cup blue cheese- crumbled
1 pint cherry tomatoes- sliced
4 eggs- hard-boiled, peeled and sliced
1 avocado- diced
1/2 cup black olives- sliced

Ingredients for dressing:
3/4 cup non-fat Greek yogurt
2 tbsp. low-fat mayo
1/2 cup dill-chopped
2 cloves garlic- minced
1 tsp. hot sauce
1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp. olive oil
salt/pepper to taste

1) Combine all salad ingredients in a large bowl.
2) Add all dressing ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.
3) Add desired amount of dressing to salad and toss to combine.
*This recipe makes 3-4 servings.